Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Push and Pull Chapter 5 Teaser

Chapter 5 will be posted this Sunday. Here's a small peak.

I retched while I dropped the limp, lifeless body to the ground. As I wiped away the crimson sustenance that stained my lips, I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. Ingesting animals was never pleasant, but it soothed the intense burn in my throat and kept my conscience clear. Even the finest big game did nothing to quench the yearning for human blood right now. But I only wanted one human’s blood, that of my dear Bella.

“You’re not going to finish that?” Emmett called across the ravine and broke my internal self-loathing.

“It’s all yours. I’ve had all I can stand,” I answered. After Bella gave me another taste of her herself a few nights ago, I’ve forced myself to eat in the family- acceptable way. It took two 10-point bucks last night just to change the hue of my eyes from red ringed back to the unnatural amber we hid behind.


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