Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Push and Pull Chapter 6 Teaser

Here's the teaser for Chapter 6 of Push and Pull.

I tried to hide my smile as I stealthily read the latest text message from Bella. Thankfully I was joining my beloved in the school lunchroom in just a few moments. I hit reply as everyone packed up their books and typed my answer at lightning speed.

Of course I want to kiss you, my love. Can’t wait to kiss those sweet lips and work my way down. I hit send and ghosted through the door, headed for the cafeteria.

I couldn’t believe Bella and I had been exchanging intimate text messages all morning. I guess we were both pretty worked up after the intense moments we had in my car before school. The ten minutes we spent together before class made my morning, but totally ruined the rest of my school day since I couldn’t touch her the way I needed to. Our little digital exchanges were a fitting distraction. I really loved technology.

Before my body had even hit the chair in my first period class, vibrations from my jacket pocket alerted me to the first message from Bella.
Must get you alone again, very soon. Love you. B xoxo

The text messages flew back and forth between us, getting a little racier with each one. The latest message arrived in my phone’s inbox when I rounded the corner and walked in to see the most beautiful girl waiting for me at our usual table.

Where are those gorgeous lips going to touch me next?

Bella was seriously trying my control today. There was nothing I wanted more than to take her away from this hell hole of a school and see much more of her in private. The problem was I didn’t think I could hold myself together.

It's nice to see Edward embrace modern technology, isn't it? Chapter 6 will go up on on Sunday.
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