Saturday, July 10, 2010

Push and Pull Chapter 1 Teaser

Push and Pull is a Twilight fan fiction that takes place at the beginning of New Moon. What would happen if Bella didn't allow Edward to leave? How very different is their world?

I'll be posting teasers for each chapter on this blog on Wednesdays. The new chapter should be up on Sundays. Here's the chapter 1 teaser for Push and Pull.

“You’ve always treated me like a disinterested party in this relationship. I’ve never been an equal partner. I’ve never had a say in any important decisions.” Bella’s eyes were starting to glisten with tears, but I could see the sparks of anger just under the surface.

She reached up and jerked my chin forward, forcing me to look at her. I wasn’t expecting her to react so physically. Her behavior was so unexpected that I allowed her to manhandle me.

“To answer the favor you so selfishly want me to grant you. If you leave me I will die, even if I have to do it myself. How does that make you feel?” She turned to leave and I looked away. Maybe it was better if she hated me? I would still feel eternally guilty, no matter what happened.


Betti Gefecht said...

Woohoo!!!! Can't wait to read that!!!!!

Cuz I effing hated NM for the fact that E left B.
Seems you'll be posting my fix!!!!


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